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World Trade Union Conference, London 1945 (page 2)

This conference was convened by the TUC at County Hall, London (headquarters of the London County Council) 6-17 February, 1945. 204 representatives from 63 Unions around the world attended. Greetings from the Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, were conveyed by his deputy, Clement Attlee and King George VI gave an audience to a delegation from the conference.

Following the conference this manifesto, " A call to all the peoples", was issued confirming a resolution to defeat fascism, establish a secure peace and create a new international trade union organisation - the World Federation of Trade Unions.

Title World Trade Union Conference, London 1945 (page 2)
Maker --
Production Date 1945
Format Document
Copyright --
Holding Institution TUC Library Collections, London Metropolitan University
Related Objects World Trade Union Conference, London 1945 (page 1)
World Trade Union Conference, London 1945 (page 3)
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