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Repeal of the Trade Disputes and Trade Unions Act, 1927 - cartoon 1943

Cartoon in 'The Post' newspaper from the Union of Post Office Workers, July 10, 1943, attacking the opposition to the repeal of the Trade Disputes and Trade Unions Act, 1927. The Act banned civil service trade unions [including postal workers] from belonging to the TUC; made it more difficult for union members to pay the political levy; general strikes and other sympathetic action were forbidden, and there were restrictions on picketing. As promised in its manifesto for the 1945 General Election, the new Labour Government repealed the Act in April 1946.

Title Repeal of the Trade Disputes and Trade Unions Act, 1927 - cartoon 1943
Maker --
Production Date 1943
Format Cartoon
Copyright Union of Post Office Workers
Holding Institution TUC Library Collections, London Metropolitan University
Related Objects --
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